The Hawai’i ParkinsonAssociation Board wants to share some exciting news. Recently the Board held the annual April meeting where new Board Officers and Members are elected/re-elected.
Glen Higa, President. Glen has been an integral part of the HPA team for the past several years as the Administrative Support contractor, a position he will set-aside to take up the gavel of President. He is also a Personal Trainer at FitnessTherapy Hawaii, a facility dedicated to people with Parkinson’s.
Jerry Boster, Chairman of theBoard. Jerry served as President for the past 6 years, and this new position was created by the board so that he can continue his excellent work on long-term strategy, legislative and national policy issues.
Other Board actions include:
Pat Bemis, Board Member, elected to additional two-year term.
Randi Tsushima, Board Member, elected to additional two-year term.
Fran Calvert, Board Member, elected to additional two-year term.
Lisa Kubota-Moffitt, BoardMember, elected to additional two-year term.
Jack Suyderhoud, new BoardMember, elected to two-year term.
Erin Davis, Secretary, Jillian McAlear, and Tom St. John, Board Members whose terms continue until 2024.
We bid fond farewell to Linda Conboy who is stepping down from the Board. A BIG mahalo to Linda for her dedication in serving our Parkinson’s community.
Kai McDurmin has taken over the duties of the Administrative Support contractor.
The Board is looking for volunteers for Board Vice-President and Board Treasurer. Please contact Glen or Jerry if you are interested in filling these positions.
We congratulate the BoardMembers for their efforts in helping Hawaii’s Parkinson’s community. They, along with the many dedicated volunteers, help steward HPA’s continuing growt hand commitment to help people with Parkinson’s and their loved ones, live their best lives.