The HPA Resource Center is available to everyone in the community looking for information about Parkinson’s. Here are some of the resources we help provide.
Medical Specialists – Are you looking for a doctor who has experience with Parkinson’s? We can provide the latest list of local experts.
Support Groups – Find out about a support group in your area. Support groups are a great way to make connections with other people with PD and their caregivers/partners and share experiences on living well with Parkinson’s.
Books, Brochures & Flyers are available from various Parkinson organizations with information about symptom management, medical & complimentary therapies, and adaptive equipment.
Lending Library – Visit the center to see our growing library of books to borrow at no cost. Or contact us and we will email you a list of available books. Reserve a book and stop by to pick up. Or donate a book that you’d like to share with others.
Local Clinical Trials – Find out what local clinical trials are being conducted in Hawaii.
Online and In-Person Seminars – See and hear from the experts on many different topics . Have a topic you’d like to suggest? Drop us a line.
Peer-to-Peer Connect – Do you want to talk to someone who may share similar experiences with Parkinson’s? Whether you’re newly diagnosed, have had PD for a while, or are a caregiver or family member, we can connect you via phone or email to one of our volunteers.
Exercise Classes – Exercising is a very important part of managing PD. We have information on the people and places who understand and can modify their classes for PD. From yoga to boxing, there is sure to be something for you.
Outer Islands – We’ve got you covered with information on doctors, support groups, and exercise classes on the Big Island, Maui, and Kauai.
Hawai’i Parkinson Association Resource Center
2228 Liliha St., Suite 206
Joseph Paiko Medical Office Building
Honoulu, HI 96817
(808) 762-0600 phone
Tuesday 10am-1pm
Thursday 1pm-4pm
Saturday 10am-1pm
Appointments outside these hours also available